Connect within 60 sec
With easy tracking
Connect with top Doctors
Access anytime ... anywhere.
Private online consultations with verified doctors in all specialists
Using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Private online consultations with verified doctors in all specialists
Telehealth appointments & mental health services
Total Virtual Care™With 24/7 access to online doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and other medical experts, care is always available, anytime and anywhere. Select and see your favorite providers again and again, right from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Better yet, Doctor On Demand is a covered benefit for over 98 million Americans by their health plan or employer. It’s free to sign up and easy to check your coverage when you register.
Private online consultations with verified doctors in all specialists
Find or select your Doctor based on your preferred location and medical specialty. Select a preferred Date and time slot from the available slots.
Online consultation should always be booked through registered platforms as the booking is authentic and safe through these platforms. A patient can also book for an online consultation directly by visiting the official website of DocMedix.
“The online consultation facility at DocMedix Mobile App Platform allows online appointment scheduling and allows patients to easily request slots as per their convenience with the available consultants. Patients can book an appointment at for online consultation, where they can search for a specific doctor by name/specialty.
You can book an appointment with a doctor when there is a health problem that requires medical attention or a even for a medical query.
To approach a doctor, always set an agenda. Many times a doctors’ visit lasts only for 15–20 minutes, so it’s important to prioritize your concerns by setting an agenda. A patient should be honest about worries and concerns with the doctor.
You must provide all relevant information on your medical condition, including scans, medical history, and by uploading these files for the upcoming consultation in the " My Bookings" Page.
Yes you can Reschedule Consultation 2 hrs before the start of consultation.
Yes you can cancel appointment before 2 hrs of Consultation.